We Register Domain Names

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Seamless domain registration, domain transfer and domain renewal services in Kenya. Find and register your perfect domain name below.

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Note: Choose between .co.ke  Kes 599, .com Kes 1500, .net Kes 1999, .org Kes1999, and 1000+ domain extensions 

Frequently Asked Questions

Domain Name Search FAQs

1. How do domain names work?


When you enter a domain name in your web browser, it first sends a request to a global server network that forms the Domain Name System (DNS).

These servers then look up the name servers or DNS servers associated with the domain and forward the request to those name servers.

The web server now fetches the web page and pieces of information associated with it. Finally, it then sends this data back to the user’s browser.

Read more: What is a domain name and how do domains work

2. What are domain names?


A domain name is the address of your website that internet users type in the browser URL bar to visit your website. For example, quincycreative.co.ke. In simple terms, if your website were a house, then your domain name would be its address. Read: What is a domain name and how do domains work

3. Are domain names case sensitive ?


No. Domain names are not case sensitive. Regardless of how you type your domain name when registering it, domain names remain case neutral and will redirect your domain in all lower case.

4. Are domain names free?


No. Domain names are not free, however, there are ways to get a domain name free or at a lower cost. Sometimes free domain names are provided with purchase of some webhosting packages. However, this is limited to the offer periods.

5. Are domain names considered intellectual property?


No. In as much as a domain name may be unique and be a valuable asset to your business, it does not inherently have intellectual property rights.

6. Can domain names have special characters: underscores, numbers, dashes?


Domain names can also use numbers, fada characters (á ó, ú, í é) and hyphens. Underscores and spaces are not allowed. The domain name cannot begin or end with a hyphen and the maximum number of characters is 63. Remember the 13 tips for choosing the best domain name.

7. How domain names are organized and managed?


Domain names can be managed from your Quincy Creative customer portal. Read this detailed guide to learn more on domain name registration, management and solving disputes

8. Who registers domain names in Kenya?


Domain names are registered by registries through approved domain registrars. Global level domain names (GLDs) such as .com /. org/.net etc are managed by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in the United States. Country level domain names such as .co.ke/.go.ke/.or.ke are managed by Kenya Network Information Centre (KENIC) registry in Nairobi. Quincy Creative offers domain name registration and renewal services in partnership with ICANN accredited registrars.

9. Who owns domain names


Domain names are not outrightly owned instead they are leased for the period they are registered with the registrar usually one year and they are renewed periodically.

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